Advanced Group Sessions!!!

You are invited to give your competitive surfing a challenge and attend our weekly advanced group training program.  Our sessions will be directed towards advanced competition levels and will include the following:

  • Detailed practice heats and situational drills with analysis

  • Video analysis and review

  • Basic technique evaluation

  • Orientation for different locations and conditions

  • Understanding the mind of a judge and how your surfing is analyzed

  • Learning to focus on your strengths and better your weaknesses

  • Criteria / Rulebook Discussion

  • All sessions include a very competitive 3 hour program

  • Sessions will be weekly, but dates and locations will vary based on conditions and upcoming events.

All training sessions will be run by Erik Krammer who has had great success with this program drawing from his eleven years of experience as an WSL WCT judge, ten years as a professional coach, fifteen years as a competitor, and a lifetime of surfing in general.  Due to our quality standards, space is limited to four people per session so please contact us and confirm today. 

We hope to hear from you soon…